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these things I know for sure
EG26, 1.27, garden + studios at sculpture
department, Kurzbauergasse 9, 1020 Wien
The monthly gross salary according to the collective agreement for university employees in salary group A1 is currently Euro 5,245.6. The willingness to pay above collective agreement – depending on qualification profile – is given.
Vik Bayer, Emma Carlén, Kristina Cyan, Nana Dahlin, Sioban Lopez Dailland, M. Y. Fidesser, Lara Friesz, Felix Grühbaum, Yoko Halbwidl, Florian Hofer, Theresa Katharina Horlacher, Julia Karpova, Eunpyo Lee, Theo Maier, Taro Meissner, Paul Mittnik, Agapi Myrsodeli, Fritjof Krabbe Nørretranders, Anna Theresa Pöll, Michael Reindel, Jakob Rockenschaub, Alua Sugralimova, Valeriia Weinrub
Christoph Eigl, Alina Schwarz, Fabian Leitgeb, Anabel Scheffold
Foto Emma Carlén

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